Thursday, January 21, 2021

All you Need to Know about Flags of Texas

Texas Flags are well known for their notable single white star and have a particular name: "Lone Star Flag." The flags of Texas represent the six nations that have claimed sovereignty over Texas. They are Six Flags of Texas - first - the Kingdom of Spain, second - the Kingdom of France, third - the Republic of Mexico, fourth - the Republic of Texas, fifth - Confederate States of America, and sixth - the United States of America.

Texas Historical Flags

Texas has had three official national or state flags that became the state flags: 

  • 1836 National Flag for the naval service, 
  • 1836 national standard, 
  • the 1839 national flag

When the state government was formed in Austin, the twenty-seven-star United States flag was first raised in Texas. Another important fact about the flag colors is Blue stands for Loyalty, White for Purity, and Red for Bravery. The single (lone) star describes All of Texas and stands for unity as one for God, State, and Country. 

Fabric -

There are two types of outdoor flags -  

Nylon & Polyester Texas Flags

Both the flags are usually made beautifully with embroidered stars, sewn stripes, and reinforced fly ends. The companies make these flags with a heavy-duty header on the hoist end and furnish tinier & smaller flag sizes with heavy-duty brass grommets. The large Texas flags are made in the USA with plated steel rope thimbles.

Quality -

Nylon flags are lightweight and are much long-lasting. With a bright & glossy appearance, they swiftly fly in the scantiest of breezes. These fabrics are best suited for wet conditions as water beads off them. Nylon is the favored material to fly off house connected poles due to the weight. The heavier material can result in the bracket being cut from the wall or column attached to it. The good quality Nylon flag is aniline-dyed 100% heavyweight 200-denier nylon bunting. Also, it must be fast drying and treated to resist fading.

Polyester flags are a more massive & thick material. They come with increased durability in heavy wind conditions. Polyester fabric is best in high wind situations as they are heavier and take more wind to lift. The excellent quality polyester flag comes with  2-ply 100% polyester bunting, and if it has an open weave structure, it reduces wind resistance, increasing flag life. 

Law formally describes the state flag as:-

A rectangle- width to length ratio of 2 to 3; and includes the following: 

  1. One blue vertical stripe - width as one-third the length of the flag. 
  2. Two equal horizontal stripes- upper stripe white, the lower stripe red, with two-thirds the length of the flag;  
  3. One white, regular five-pointed star - placed in the center of the blue stripe. ; it must be located as such that - one point faces upward and sized in a way - wherein-the diameter of a circle that passes through the 5 points of the star is equal to three-fourths the blue stripe's width.

The flag's length should be nearly 1/4-1/3 the pole's height as per the industry norms. There are many alternatives when it comes to purchasing a Texas Flag. People prefer Texas flags that come with "Made in the USA ." Many companies such as Ameritex Flags store has been supplying businesses, organizations, and residents with high-quality flags for several years. 

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A 25' Titan Telescoping Flagpole is an excellent choice for homeowners and businesses looking for a reliable and easy-to-use flag displ...