Tuesday, November 15, 2022



It's a fact; it's always a proud feeling to have one or more majestic commercial flagpoles flying flags in front of your home, office business, or place of worship. People enjoy seeing beautiful American flags flying high atop commercial flagpoles. And it also creates goodwill toward your organization. Before buying a commercial-grade flagpole, it's essential to consider a few factors, such as knowing the right flagpole height for a given location, safety procedures, the best installation location, and budget concerns. The process of purchasing commercial-grade flagpoles can seem daunting If this is your first time doing it. 

One can consider quite a few decisions before buying:


Before purchasing a giant flagpole to show off your patriotism with a commercial American flag, the right height matters. Our first consideration is deciding what size you need for the commercial flagpole you want to buy. Here size does matter - if the pole is bigger, then the flag is bigger, and also bigger the impact.


Once you know the maximum commercial flagpole height allowed in your area, you can easily decide where to place your large flagpole. For many businesses, a prominent location is often front and center of the building.


It is advised that you choose more than one location for your commercial flagpole as it's the vital step in site selection, and make sure it is safe to dig a deep hole where your flagpole can be want to plant.


Once you know the maximum height allowed in your area, the next consideration is budget. The prices on commercial flagpoles can vary widely depending on the configuration of your pole.


After choosing the height and strength you want, you can install your commercial-grade flagpole within your budget.


Companies will let you know when the flagpole is shipped and when you can expect it to arrive.


Installing your flagpole can be easier than it may seem. If the height of your pole is 30' in height or less, you can install it yourself without the help of special equipment. Ideally, the flagpole will come with complete installation instructions.

If you're ready to purchase a commercial flagpole, send an inquiry email to Sales@ameritexflags.com or call (210) 310-3524 or (877) 598-3524 to know the details.

Monday, November 14, 2022


If you plan to install the flagpole, then you allow the flag to be changed or removed to change its position without risk. Avoid installing flagpoles over doorways or fire exits, or any other openings with no safe or limited access to the flagpole. 

The flagpole should be accessed safely to reach the flag. Can the flag be safely tied up back to the building? In some locations where the wind flow is high, it can cause a wind tunnel effect that can wrap the flag around the flagpole. A correctly placed tail line tether can assist in stopping the flag from becoming tangled around the flagpole. Only some buildings have a suitable location for this kind of system.

High wind safety advice

It is highly recommended that flags should be taken off when winds are anticipated to exceed 30 mph/ wind force 6, whether your flagpole is wall-mounted flagpole is angled, vertical or horizontal. High winds will raise the pressure on the flagpole and increase the chance of it becoming damaged or dragging out its fixings from the wall, which is an important safety issue. Therefore, wherever high winds are predicated, remove flags for safety.

Annual maintenance inspections

If you have a flagpole, it is recommended to have an annual maintenance inspection to check that your flagpole is entirely functional and safe, regardless of its location. Although there is a specific cost to have an annual maintenance inspection, it helps minimize the cost of ownership in the long term and reduces the risk of a health and safety incident. Regular maintenance checks and servicing will help prolong the life of your flagpole and will maintain its functionality.

Ameritex Flag is a reputed manufacturer of a high-quality range of Corporate Flags, Office File folders, and many more manufactured using superior-quality primary material. We offer a wide range of flags for your wall pole and everything from National Flags to custom designs with your log. Moreover, we are highly committed to manufacturing good quality products designed as per defined industry standards as a company. Further, with adequate packaging facilities and timely deliveries, we have created a position for ourselves in this market. If you look at them, you will likely find a couple of other flag pole producers around you, but not all may provide you with unique features and advantages like us. Visit us today at https://www.ameritexflags.com/ to know more about our excellent services and products. To organize a meeting, please email our team, or call (210) 310-3524 or (877) 598-3524.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Commercial External Halyard Flagpoles

Commercial flagpoles are a beautiful way to exhibit your pride and support in your country and a flag recognizing your business. However, knowing that the American flag always flies on top according to flag protocols is essential. Also, an important note is that most of these flagpoles require expert installation and a crane, so we suggest reading the wind speed chart before choosing your flagpole. When you are ready to buy the right flagpole for use on your commercial property, Ameritex Flags offers multiple options. Commercial flagpoles require an expert to install them properly, so we recommend consulting with an engineer before you buy an exact one.

Commercial External Halyard Flagpoles consist of the rigging system that is located on the outside of the flagpole. A rope runs up the flagpole shaft to a truck assembly located at the top, where it passes through a pulley. The rope returns down the shaft and is tied to an outside cleat located 4 ½’ above grade. These flagpoles are also derived from long-lasting fiberglass-reinforced polyester and are apt for residential and commercial purposes. These flagpoles have the following:

  • The warm galvanized tilting hinge base
  • Revolving finial
  • Cleat with screws
  • Halyard
  • Plastic clips
  • Installation service and flagpole maintenance instructions
  • additional offerings - Flag pole maintenance services and safety checks
Ameritex offers a selection of the highest-quality commercial-grade Flagpoles. Here you can find the perfect size and style of flagpole that can complement your building and the American flag. All commercial flagpole orders include FREE shipping within 48 states and a FREE appropriately-sized Nylon American flag! You can send an inquiry email to Sales@ameritexflags.com or call (210) 310-3524 or (877) 598-3524 to know the details.

Nylon American Flags A Symbol of Strength and Patriotism

A Nylon American Flag is one of the most popular choices for displaying patriotism, whether at homes, businesses, schools, or government bu...